Our Impact
Im·pact verb: to have direct effect or impact on
In the Philippines, sexual abuse is something that is very common. A lot of the abuse goes unreported, due to this "culture of silence." Due to the high amount of cases of abuse that go undocumented, the lack of concrete information makes it hard to get a full grasp on the extent of the atrocity of violence against women and girls that grips the Philippines as a nation.
What we do know is that two of the factors that make children most vulnerable to abuse and exploitation are: poverty and lack of education. The Philippines has become the global epicenter of live stream sexual abuse, also known as Online Sexual Exploitation of Children or OSEC.

but we have hope...
Since 2011, Consider the Lily has rescued for over 129 girls. We currently have two separate homes that are a safe place for over 55 girls. When it comes to our family, the word rescue is multifaceted and takes many different forms. We take great measures to ensure each of our girls medical, emotional, and physical needs are a priority through her transition into our family. We have 43 staff that all play an specific and integral role in the transition of girls into our care, to ensure each of their needs are met.

Consider the Lily partners with and supports Philippine Law enforcement in the prosecution of abusers. Some of our girls' cases have remained open for years. We ensure that justice is upheld and perpetrators are held accountable for the crimes they've committed against the girls, regardless of how long the journey may be. Prosecution not only guarantees the safety of any vulnerable child within close proximity of the abuser, it also communicates to the community that acts of sexual violence and abuse committed against children will not be tolerated.

An emphasis on education is something that sets Consider the Lily apart. Primary and secondary school are just the beginning. Every girl has our full support as she pursues a university degree or a vocational program. Advanced education will give our girls the best chance at breaking the cycle of poverty. It will also provide them with the ability to create a better future for themselves and for generations after them