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The deadline to apply to be a 2024-2025 Ambassador is March 1st

Ambassador Program

Our Heart for Ambassadors

We are looking for people to serve and work alongside Consider the Lily in our desire to see more girls free from the hands of abuse. Together, we will see girls transformed by hope and saturated in loving arms of the CtL family.

An Ambassador is an advocate, an amplifier, a gatherer, a supporter, a dreamer and a doer, someone that is creative and loves to think outside of the box or someone that wants to exercise their creative muscle more. A creator of space, a good steward of their time on earth, someone that stands in the gap, a partner. Someone that comes alongside CtL in a practical way. In their own hometown, amplifying the voices of our girls and communicating through advocacy "We see you and we will fight for you."

So what is a CtL Ambassador?

Qualifications/ responsibilities:

-You are at least 18 years old

-You have a desire to see justice and healing happen in the CtL family as part of the Ambassador team

-You can commit to Zoom meetings every 2 months for CtL updates and check in's.

-You must be willing to participate in a minimum of four activities per year. These might include fundraising on Facebook or Instagram, speaking at an event on our behalf, connecting us with important potential donors, hosting or organizing a fundraising event, or any other fundraising type of activity.

-Committed to engage on social media with CtL in the fight for freedom

-You are willing to complete our Ambassador Program training course to become more familiarized with CtL and our mission and values


Ambassador Benefits

-Receive an Ambassador Kit providing information to hand out, a CtL t-shirt and stickers

-Access to fundraising training 

-40% off Alam Ko Jewelry

-The Ambassador who raises the most money in the calendar year (over $2000) will be eligible to receive a trip to visit CtL in the Philippines with our US team. The trip will include airfare, airport pickup and drop-off, accommodations in the guest home (if female) or in a nearby property (if male), and some meals during the duration of the trip. 

-As an Ambassador you get to make a direct impact in the lives of survivors of sexual abuse by amplifying their voices and stories


Our desire is to see as many girls as Jesus allows, living in freedom as carriers of eternal hope.

"Being an Ambassador for CtL is something that matters to me because of a seed that was planted in my heart after a traumatic event in 2017. While I only had a glimpse of what could've happened, I will never forget the fear that gripped me that only God knew how I escaped the longest 30 minutes of my life. These girls have experienced more than just a 30 minutes traumatic experience, and my passion is to bring hope, restoration, support, and be a voice to the voiceless. I'm passionate to see these young girls fulfill their destiny and purpose in God for His word says in Matthew 19:14, "Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." CtL is changing many lives and providing hope where all hope is lost, I am thankful to be able to play a part in that through prayer, financial support, and raising awareness for permanent change." -Anne Marie Prater / 2022 Ambassador

'I gave my life back to Jesus in the Philippines in 2012 on my high-school service trip, and since then this country has held a special place in my heart. I've gone back 10 times and led different teams to serve in Luzon and Visayas with various ministries, including Kids International Ministries. This is where I met Josie and learned about Consider the Lily. I am a former foster youth and a childhood sexual abuse survivor, so Josie's work immediately captured my heart. The redemption of Jesus is intricately written into the narrative of this world and so seeing this outworked in the lives of the girls and young women at CtL, as they become overcomers in the name of Jesus, is truly humbling. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the CtL's vital work in providing hope without worry of tomorrow to God's precious daughters."

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Become a ctl ambassador

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